AVCRM: a more efficient way to complete your ReOC paperwork
There’s not much we dislike about the unmanned industry, but the burden of paperwork is definitely one thing that annoys us. Talk to any Chief Remote Pilot and they’ll explain how a large part of their day is spent completing paperwork or administration duties. Sure, some of this can be interesting, such as working with clients and trying to secure new business. However, the majority of office paperwork is mundane and revolves around completing compliance documents or risk assessments.
ReOC holders and their associated Chief Remote Pilot must ensure that the organisation’s operations are conducted in accordance with the Civil Aviation Act and Regulations. They must maintain compliance by keeping all required documents up to date, completed and on hand. Before each job the organisation is also required to complete thorough job safety assessments and flight planning, and complete numerous authorisations and logs. Personally, we at Remote Aviation found ourselves dealing more and more with paperwork and compliance rather than flying. However, this improved after we were recently introduced to AVCRM.
AVCRM is electronic software that aims to reduce organisational admin time. The designers claim it will substantially increase the efficiency and accuracy of an organisation’s operations, and from our experience these claims are correct. For example, rather than using paper-based forms, remote pilots are able to create and submit jobs electronically (and remotely) for approval to the Chief Remote Pilot. He/she will be able to clearly see the job area, items in the JSA (job safety assessment) and can easily amend the job, if required, for the approval process. For us, AVCRM reduces the onerous paper-based job creation and approval process as well as all other paperwork, such as flying, maintenance and battery logs.
The tools provided by AVCRM allow:
- Job creation and allocation to remote pilots
- Task authorisations to be completed electronically by the Chief Remote Pilot
- Efficient completion of job safety assessments (JSA) and risk control worksheets
- Airspace analysis that not only considers controlled airspace and aerodromes, but also local emergency operations (such as bush fires) and flying in national parks.
- Access to NOTAMs, weather and other Airservices Australia data
- Correct assignment of equipment, preventing misallocations
- The creation and use of pre and post flight checklists
- Maintenance and defect reporting
- Any accidents, incidents, hazards or near-misses to be captured via the in-built Safety Management Systems (SMS)
- Inventory and battery management
- Record keeping for employee induction and training programs
After being impressed with the capabilities of the system, we reached out to AVCRM to see if a discount could be obtained for our students and clients. Thanks to the team at AVCRM, we are now able to offer the following discounts:
- Small business, company and enterprise packages – 10% off (use code “Remote_Aviation_10” when purchasing); or
- Sole users – 30% off (use code “Remote_Aviation_30” when purchasing).
AVCRM standard pricing (before any discounts are applied) is as follows:
It’s understandable that you want to keep your costs to a minimum and may be reluctant to pay an additional expense. However, consider how much it costs you (or your employees) per hour to complete paperwork. If you could save yourself (or each of your remote pilots) one hour of administration per month, AVCRM has already paid for itself.
Remote Aviation Australia will now also offer AVCRM as part of our ReOC assistance package. As well as providing customised manuals and Chief Remote Pilot assessment preparation, our assistance package will include 12-months paid access to AVCRM (sole-user licence). This will ensure you get your business off to the most efficient start and can use the software from the get-go.
For more information, or to purchase AVCRM for your organisation, please visit the AVCRM website via this link.
A full capability brochure can be downloaded from the following link:
AVCRM RPA Manager Capability Brochure