How to read aeronautical charts
Like to learn how to read aeronautical charts, such as those featured in OzRunways or AvPlan? We’re sharing a video from our online theory course about how to interpret visual terminal charts (VTCs). This aeronautical chart is traditionally what visual flight rules (VFR) pilots use to navigate around major cities and towns. However, it is also a very useful planning tool for RPAS (drone) pilots as such maps show you controlled airspace, aerodromes and restricted areas. These charts are also used in RPAS flight planning apps such as OzRunway’s “Rwy Check”, and provide much more information than if using CASA’s “Can I Fly There” app alone.
In this video, our Flight Training Manager Andrew (an experienced flying instructor and pilot) explains what the various symbols and markings mean on a VTC, and how they could affect your unmanned aircraft operations.
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