What is an RPA Operator’s Certificate (ReOC)?

An ReOC is like the air operator’s certificate (AOC) used for traditional manned aviation operations. ReOCs were formally known as UAV Operator Certificates (UOC), and are still commonly referred to as these. The ReOC authorises the holder to conduct included RPA operations for commercial purposes. The types of RPA, and any specific conditions, are endorsed on this certificate and any “instruments” of approval provided by CASA.

Holding an ReOC provides a significant advantage in allowing a wide range of RPA operations that are not available to other (excluded RPA) operators. Overall, an ReOC is required for any operation that is not an excluded RPA operation, including:

  • All RPA operating outside of the standard operating conditions, other than micro RPA and model aircraft;
  • RPA weighing 2 kilograms or more, unless meeting the ‘landholder’ criteria;
  • All operations with a large RPA.

All ReOC holders must employ a Chief Remote Pilot to oversee the operation. There are currently no specific experience requirements for the position of Chief Remote Pilot. However, to be considered suitable the person would need to have an RePL (remote pilot licence) and advanced knowledge and experience commensurate with the operator’s planned operations. The candidate must pass a flight test carried out by CASA or an approval delegate, and must demonstrate to CASA that he/she can effective carry out the required functions and duties.

 ReOC operation


How can Remote Aviation Australia assist me?

As part of our objective to provide excellent value training, we provide RPA Operators Certificate (ReOC) consulting at a very reasonable rate. If you want to apply to CASA for an ReOC, we can provide you with customised operations and operational library manuals, opportunities for practice assessments and advice and support throughout the application process. Click here for more information about our ReOC assistance package.

Contact us for more information!